- Also known as Lawson and Kriegel.
- 1859 Burr Albert
Harrison and a family named Callaway established plantations in the area.
- 1859 Harrison arrived iand set up sugar, syrup, and grist mills on Caney
- 1860 census recorded eighty-three slaves belonging to Harrison and a
total of ninety slaves belonging to four Callaways.
- The Callaway children were
taught by the Harrisons' governess.
- Took its first name from Dick
Lawson, who built a general store, Lawson's Corner, on the border of the Lawson
and Harrison plantations.
- 1881 Harrison died
- 1889 his son, Gerard
Alexander Harrison, managed the plantation and established a mercantile business
that was at one time larger than any general store in Wharton
- Local plantation owners contributed to a church, which
was destroyed by fire soon after the Civil War.
- Isam Davenport, a black justice
of the peace, was in office during Reconstruction and also served as county
- According to residents he used his position to get free labor by
arresting other black men for drinking or shooting craps and then sentencing
them to "ten days hard labor in Isam Davenport's cotton patch."
- The first of two
Baptist churches at Burr was built about 1892, and the other a few years
later. - First Lawson school was established sometime after 1889. A second school,
which was subsequently moved to a better location, was built after 1893 on land
also to be used for a church and cemetery.
- Because of limited white enrollment
in a largely black community, the white Lawson school began with a term that
lasted only four months; in 1905 it had twenty-one pupils and one teacher.
- 1896 Charles Kriegel, a native of Germany, came to the area and, leased
the Lawson Store,
- 1897 Charles Kriegel took over the store, the community and postal
station came to be known as Kriegel.
- Kriegel became a real estate promoter in
the area about 1900, when the New York, Texas and Mexican Railway was built from
Wharton through Lawson and Van Vleck to Sargent.
- Switch for loading cane and
other products built in front of the school was known as Kriegel Switch.
- A mile
up the road was Dinsmore, and a mile south was Burr.
- 1902 only five
residents were reported.
- By 1907 the Lawson school had thirty-one white pupils
and a teacher, and the Kriegel school, across the street from the store, had 358
black pupils and nine teachers.
- 1899 A post office named Kriegel was established in
1899 and discontinued in
- 1910 Kriegel post office discontinued when Kriegel gave up his store and Gerard
Harrison moved the post office to his store.
- Harrison gave the office the new
name Burr in honor of his father.
- 1918 Post office was discontinued and mail was
sent to Wharton.
Burr Churches
Burr Community
Burr Country Store and Grill
5203 FM 1301 RD
WHARTON TX 77488-7062
(979) 532-8783